Tuesday, 9 November 2010

roses are red, violets are blue..

have been trying to explore ways of bringing time to a standstill in our physical world. so as a starting point, i bought a bouquet of white roses and painted them in resin to record each stage of their growth.

mixed feelings about the outcome so far.. the resin took a while to dry out completely, which i suspect has caused the roses themselves to wilt faster than the resin could "freeze" them in time. so some of the roses do look more dead than they do alive.. which wasn't what i was hoping for!

i do think though this unexpected result isn't entirely disappointing. i suppose then it in a way shows how time that isnt captured fast enough just dies. very literally.

also i found the resin a bit too thickly painted on. i don't really like that kind of aesthetic quality it creates as it feels very artificial and also it's a bit to shiny for my liking. so taking these points on board, i've made a few alterations of my "freezing" process:

the roses will now be submerged in the vase of water as opposed to hung and dried in mid-air. perhaps then while the resin is drying on it, the flower can still breath and is alive. the resin coating is also thinner..

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