Thursday, 7 October 2010


I'm a big fan of intricate details, textures and anything touchy-feely. I love the kind of sensation of touching an intriguing piece of material. But for some reason the most simplest and basic material, one we come across everyday in our lives, I've yet to be fascinated about: paper.

Yet paper could well be one of the most versatile and available materials that allows designers to express their creativity. There are endless ways of manipulating paper to create new interesting surfaces.. folds, ruffles, paper-mâché, crumpling, cutting.

A danish fashion designer Violise Lunn creates one of a kind pieces made purely out of paper. These delicate pieces are very interesting in texture and form and shows the endless possibilities of exploring paper as a medium.

Another artist I really admire is Zoe Bradley. Her signature pieces includes gigantic flower sculptures from paper.

she also creates very sculptural dresses and fashion accessories:

Paper can be such a useful tool in a design process for exploring and prototyping, but mainly what stops me from using it is the environment. Recycled paper never feels the same as new paper.. but perhaps this means looking at paper that comes from another context- magazines, old books, flyers. And perhaps the way of bringing a new physicality to the old context would lead to new things.

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